Toward the beginning of a venture, the measure of preparation and work required can appear to be overpowering. There might be handfuls or even many assignments that should be finished at the perfect time and in the perfect succession.

Prepared Project Managers realize it is regularly simpler to deal with the subtleties of a task and make strides organized appropriately when you separate the venture into stages. Partitioning your task the board endeavors into these five stages can help give your endeavors structure and disentangle them into a progression of intelligent and sensible advances.



Commencement is the principal period of the undertaking lifecycle. This is the place where the task’s worth and attainability are estimated. Undertaking chiefs regularly utilize two assessment instruments to choose whether or not to seek after a venture:

  • Business Case Document – This record legitimizes the requirement for the undertaking, and it incorporates a gauge of possible monetary advantages.
  • Attainability Study – This is an assessment of the project’s objectives, course of events and expenses to decide whether the venture ought to be executed. It adjusts the necessities of the project with accessible assets to check whether seeking after the undertaking bodes well.

Groups relinquish proposed projects that are named unrewarding as well as impractical. Notwithstanding projects that finish these two assessments can be doled out to an undertaking group or assigned project office.


Read: Project Planning Step by step Guide

When the project gets the green light, it needs a strong arrangement to manage the group, just as keep them on schedule and on financial plan. An elegantly composed venture plan gives direction for getting assets, securing financing and acquiring required materials. The project plan provides the group guidance for delivering quality yields, dealing with hazard, making acknowledgment, conveying advantages to partners and overseeing providers.

The project plan additionally gets ready groups for the deterrents they may experience throughout the span of the venture and encourages them to comprehend the expense, degree and time period of the undertaking.


This is the stage that is most regularly connected with project management. Execution is tied in with building expectations that fulfill the client. Group pioneers get this going by allotting assets and keeping colleagues zeroed in on their doled out assignments.

Execution depends intensely on the planning phase. The work and endeavors of the group during the execution stage are gotten from the task plan.


Checking and control are here and there joined with execution since they frequently happen simultaneously. As groups execute their undertaking plan, they should continually screen their own advancement.

To ensure conveyance of what was guaranteed, groups should screen errands to forestall scope creep, compute key execution markers and track varieties from allocated cost and time. This consistent carefulness helps keep the undertaking pushing forward easily.



Groups close the project when they convey the completed project to the client, imparting finishing to partners and delivering assets to different activities. This imperative advance in the project lifecycle permits the group to assess and record the undertaking and proceed onward the following one, utilizing past venture missteps and victories to construct more grounded cycles and more effective groups.

Despite the fact that project management may appear to be overpowering on occasion, separating it into these five particular phases can assist your group with dealing with the most mind-boggling projects and use time and assets all the more astutely.